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Aims of education.

Aims of education
Aim is a general statement of intention which serves as a visionary intention. Aims give a very broad framework where one is trying to go, usually the future product. There are four dimensions of aims;
(i)                  The personal dimension.
Education is aimed at furnishing individuals with the appropriate skills and knowledge so that they become self reliant, adaptable and for them to self actualize.
(ii)                The intellectual dimension.
Education is aimed at providing intellectual nourishment to individuals through provision of knowledge and skills that are favorable in aiding the same.
(iii)               The social dimension.
Education is aimed at providing interactions between persons and persons. Education as a social provider is also aimed at providing interaction between people and the world, person to self interaction and it looks after the physical and emotional aspect of the individual and how they adapt at the family level and social level.
(iv)              The product dimension.
The aims of education should guide the school system to produce members of society who have adequate skills and knowledge that can be used to contribute to a productive society.
The aims of education in Kenya today follow these dimensions and others. Education therefore aims at providing and achieving the following;
The education must have the need of national development.
The education must assist in fostering and promoting national unity.
Education must prepare and equip the youth so that they can play a leading role in the nation.
The global aims of education also play a very important function or role in shaping the education policies and aims in Kenya. These global educational aims are formulated by UNESCO. They seek to do the following;
(i)                  Improving the standards of living of people in various countries.
(ii)                Fostering international understanding among people of the world, for example on cultural issues.
(iii)               Solving continuing problems that affect humanity, for example on climate.


  1. Is there a difference between educational aims, objectives and purposes? Please assist me.

    1. Anonymous01 June, 2014

      junne aims,objectives and purpose serves the same meaning ,


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