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Teaching as a profession.

Teaching refers the process of imparting knowledge or skill, it is an activity intended to induce learning. While these definitions are simply stated --the act or art of teaching can be quite difficult.
Teaching is a very professional career where an individual is held accountable through a series of tests, assessments and tools to gauge the achievement of students and their learning. Teachers utilize their skills to convey a variety of teachable subjects to students within the classroom from math, science, history, social studies, to music, art, and life skills. The list of subjects that are put into the hands and creative minds of educators could go on for great lengths.
Do you respect your teachers?
Teaching is a partnership between schools, community, and parents to help children succeed in their academic careers. Each time a teacher has exposure to a student, they have the opportunity to provide building blocks for students to take with them to new studies and plateaus.

Teaching is such a rewarding and challenging career, as teachers reach outside the box, and often outside their range of knowledge to help students overcome academic, social, and emotional challenges to ensure success. It is incredibly rewarding when individuals have worked diligently with success in reaching students and allowing them to reach their potential growth. It can be a struggle to know that we are planting seeds in the youth that we are influencing and not see cultivated change but know that the changes will come in the near future.

Teachers are a valuable resource to communities worldwide, nationwide, and community-wide. They provide an essential role of helping provide the best possible means of education to a group of students that they possibly can. In becoming a teacher, individuals learn a variety of tools in their education. Aspiring teachers have a criterion of classes that will help shape their knowledge base to become outstanding educators. 


  1. This is a very educative nd wonderful piece, keep it up admin.
    Indeed teachers are very important in our lives and thats why i respect them
    This blog iko juu...

  2. That is good Delucky Boih.I admire your respect for teachers.
    Thank you.


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